Duties and Responsibilities
- plementing and observing the Ordinances, Regulations, Policies, Codes and By-Laws of the College and in particular those related to students accommodation and to make recommendation thereto.
- Considering the social problems of the College students and to provide solution inside or outside the College.
- Proposing and developing sport or social activities for the College students with the appropriate incentives.
- Organizing and Participating national and graduation ceremonies.
- Organizing and supervising seminars, lectures, visits and public services to the community.
- Formulating or implementing health regulations where appropriate within the students' accommodation, and other related students services.
- Fostering and encouraging those talented students in consultation.
- Preparing the annual budget for his department to be submitted to the Dean.
- Providing necessary career guidance .
- Contacting Alumni and providing necessary support services.
- Student counseling through the counselors.