Dr. Laila Sayed Samea -  Assistant Professor & LRC Director


Qualification: Ph.D (Automated Subject Authority Control) – Library & Information Science – (Cairo University – Faculty of Arts ), Egypt

Teaching Interests:Information Search & Retrieval, Knowledge Management Systems, Strategic Information Systems, Information Systems Project Management, Research Methods, Information Ethics, Office Automation, Information Seeking in The Electronic Environment, Digital Libraries .

Research Interests : Information Search & Retrieval, Internet applications in Library and Information Science, MARC 21, Metadata, RDA, Recent trends in Organization of Information & online cataloging, Electronic Resources, Automated Subject Analysis, Knowledge Management, Electronic Resources and Academic Libraries.


Recent Publications:  

1. Samea, Laila. Information Literacy skills among the Undergraduate Students: Sur University College case. Arab Journal of Library & Information Science. Vol. 38, No. 1 (Jan. 2018).

2. Samea, Laila Quality Control in Academic Libraries: Learning Resources Center at Sur University College and its role in the educational and research process. Recent Trends in Library & Information Science. Vol. 25, No. 49 (2018). (in Arabic).

3. Samea, Laila Resource Description and Access: a proposal to form a joint steering committee for the implementation on the Egyptian libraries. Al-Fehrst. No. 56 (Oct. 2016) (in Arabic).

4.  (2015). Academic library consortia in Arab countries: An investigating study of origins, development, and services. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 7(7), 130- 147 (In English).

5.  (2014). Descriptive Cataloging Courses in the Egyptian Library & Information departments: an analytical study in the content in the light of electronic environment. Arab Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 34, No. 1(Jan. 2014). (In Arabic)

6.  (2009). Automated subject Authority control: Characteristics and experiences. Recent trends in library and information Science, 16 (32), p. 241-169. (In Arabic).

7.  (2008). Literature of women in Library and Information field: Dr. Yusreya Zayed model. El – Fihrist. (In Arabic)

8.  (2006). Machine Readable Cataloging: Practical Guide to use the The Communication Format MARC 21 for the construction of bibliographic records. Cairo: Authors, 363 p. (In Arabic)


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