Vision Statement

The Business Administration Department strives to be the Al-Sharqiyyah region’s most preferred resource for Post-Secondary Business Education, a contributing catalyst for economic development of the region and the community development as a whole.

 Mission Statement

The Business Administration Department strives to educate our graduates and to equip them to become leaders with a strong sense of personal accountability and civic responsibility and to be responsible members of the community contributing the skills and knowledge they have acquired to the economic development of the nation.


  • Build entrepreneurial and professional skills among our students for the development of the community and nation.
  • Develop entrepreneurial and risk taking attitudes among the students.
  • Develop knowledge and skills related to managing a professional organization/develop and successfully run a professional business. 
  • Expose the students to the current events and developments that are taking place in and around the business world.
  • Ensure obtaining professional training to run a successful organization/business .
  • Ensure obtaining pertinent aptitude and analytical skills.
  • Develop the analytical and presentation skills among the students.
  • Enable students to use Information Technology tools in making business/managerial decisions.
  • Develop and update learning curriculum based on the national and international needs.
  • Build professional competencies among the teaching staff through facilitating them to carry out research and to attend and participate in seminars, conferences and symposiums.


 Core Values

  • Excellence : Continuously Striving to provide excellent business education.
  • High Quality: Ensuring an excellent academic environment.
  • Effectiveness : Provide high standard education, research and community services.
  • Professional: Produce students with entrepreneurial and professional skills.
  • Supportive: Provide an atmosphere conducive to development of curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Confidence: instill confidence in students to retain their interest and involvement in completion of all tasks.
  • Competency: Enhance their abilities and competencies to meet the national and global requirements.
  • Inculcate requisite knowledge and skills to become contributing citizens to the nation’s growth.