Dr. Ehab Mohammad Injadat



Qualification: Ph.D. (Finance and Risk Management )

Teaching Interests: Financial Derivatives, Hedging, Risk Management, Financial Management, Islamic Finance, Financial Markets & Institutions, Investment, Swaps and Islamic Swaps.

Research Interests: Hedging, Islamic Hedging, Financial Derivatives, Islamic Derivatives, and Risk Management.


Recent Publications:  

1. A comparative study of Islamic banks versus conventional banks in Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), ISSN : 2347- 9698, Impact Factor 6.807 . Vol. 7 Issue 2, (p.p. 22-26), February. 2019.

2. The Practical Model of Hedging in Islamic Financial Markets, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, ISSN 23480386 Impact Factor: 4.313. Vol. 6, Issue 6, June . 2018.

3. The Development of Salam as Hedging Instrument, Asian Journal for multidisciplinary studies, ISSN: 2321-8819 2348-7186 Impact Factor: 1.498. Vol. 5, Issue 5, May. P 33-42. 2017.

4. Futures and Forwards Contracts from Perspective of Islamic Law, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, e-ISSN: 2148-8347. Vol. 1(2): Turkey. P 241- 252. 2014.

5. A Comparative Study of Payoff in Current Conventional Futures Contracts and Proposed Shari'ah Compliant Futures Contracts, Global Business and Economics Research Journal, ISSN 2302-4593. Vol. 3(3): Indonesia. P 1-15. 2014. 



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Block: Business Administration Department