Absence :
- Any student absent from a scheduled semester exam (midterm or final) without valid excuse, he / she is given “Zero” and the exam is not repeated.
- Any student absent from a scheduled semester exam (midterm or final) with a valid excuse, he / she has to submit the excuse to the college administration within a week of reasons for excuse and the exam is repeated.
- Any student absent from the final exam without a valid excuse, he / she is given “Zero” in the exam
- Any student absent from the final exam with a valid excuse approved by the college Dean, he / she is regarded “Incomplete” and the exam is repeated (make-up exam) within the first four weeks of the beginning of the following semester. If the student doesn’t take the exam during this period and not providing any official excuse he/she is given “Zero” and the exam is not repeated
- In case the student provides a valid excuse and is approved by the college dean, the make-up exam will be repeated
Dismissal from the Specialization :
Any student who fails to raise his / her GPA within the specified period, the student may apply for another major in the college (if available). In this case, the student’s courses are counted according to his/her new study plan provided that his/her CGPA is not below (2.00) after equalization.
Dismissal from the College :
- Any student whose CGPA is below 1.00 in any academic semester except for the first semester admitted in for a major and the summer semester.
- Exempted from dismissal on the following cases:
- Any student completed 90 credit hours in bachelor or 45 credit hours in diploma.
- Any student who has scored (2.5) as his/her semester average in the next semester after he/she has received a final warning letter. In this case, the student will be given an additional semester as a last chance to raise his/her GPA to 2.00 or above
- Admission and Registration Department is responsible for issuing warning letters to the respective students and notifying the official authorities about them.
- The study load of a probation student is defined as follows:
- If a student’s CGPA is above (1.5) and under (2.0), he / she may register maximum 12 credit hours in an academic semester
- If a student’s CGPA is greater than or equal to (1.00) and under (1.5), he / she may register maximum 9 credit hours in an academic semester
- A prohibited student may not register through e-registration (online). A prohibited student may register through the Admission and Registration Department after consulting the academic advisor
- These rules are implemented since the beginning of the academic year 2015 / 2016, which cancelled any previous rules in this regard.
General Enrollment Process
In order to be enrolled in one of the college academic programs, the students must:
- The admission within the accommodation (registration) deals with the conditions of who will be accepted to be in the accommodation
- Meet all the admission requirements for the desired program.
- Comply with college fees regulations.
- Be committed to college rules and teachers instructions.
- Submit all the documents required by the admission and registration department.
- Attend full- time study, not less than 75 % of the registered contact hours in each academic semester in each course.
- Consult the academic advisor to guide him / her about the compulsory and optional courses, study load, semester average, GPA , study process , study plans, conduct codes, punishments, add and withdrawal process , deferment, punctuality, and college rules and regulations.
Re-enrollment :
- Any student discontinued the study because of whatever reason, he / she may re–enroll in the same or any other academic program based on the admission criteria of the program with the same student ID.
- The credit hours successfully completed before discontinuation will be considered based on the program of re-enrollment.
- The courses previously completed are considered in accordance with the study plan implemented in the year of re-enrollment.
- If a student is permanently suspended by a college decision, he / she cannot re-enroll.
- The student has to pay 50 OMR as re-enrollment fees.
- The maximum discontinuation period is 10 years.
Termination and Suspension :
- Terminated from the college: Any student does not complete the graduation requirements within maximum 8 years for the bachelor and 4 years for the diploma (deferred or discontinued semesters are not counted).
- Temporary Suspension: Any student issued a suspension letter by a decision from the Disciplinary Committee shall be suspended for no more than one academic year.
- Terminated from the college: Any student issued three warnings within one academic year due to misconduct or academic misconduct. On this situation, the semester fees are non-refundable.
- Terminated from the college: Any student who could not raise his / her CGPA to 2.0 in the recommended period as given in article 5.6.4.
A student may not defer his / her study without prior permission from the college. A student may defer his / her study for no more than two academic semesters after filling the deferment form and under the following conditions:
- Getting the approval of the academic advisor with mentioning the reasons.
- Getting the approval of the sponsorship / guardian.
- Getting the approval of the Dean.
- Submitting the deferment form to the Admission and Registration Department to process it.
- Informing the respective authorities (sponsors).
Eventually, study is deferred before the beginning of the semester or maximum at the end of the first two weeks from the beginning of the semester and in this case, fees are refundable. Students sponsored by the MoHE can defer their study in consistence with the instructions of the interior scholarships instructions in the ministry.
Student Attendance and Absence :
It is compulsory that students attend all lectures for the academic semester they are registered in. If a student commits 25% or more absences without a valid excuse, he/she will be prohibited to take the final exam. In this case, he/she is considered “fail” and fees are non-refundable. According to laws and regulations:
- Students must attend all the courses that they are registered.
- Teachers must take absence of each lecture and submit it to the electronic system – taking into account that the student must not have been absent more than 25% of his / her studying hours.
- Any student has been absent for more than 10% of his / her studying hours without an eligible excuse will be given a first warning letter.
- Any student has been absent for more than 20% of his / her studying hours without an eligible excuse will be issued with final warning letter.
- Prohibited from the final exam, any student has been absent for more than 25% of his / her studying hours in a particular course without an eligible excuse and he / she is given zero in the particular course and fail.
- If a student has been absent for more than 25% of his / her studying hours with an eligible excuse issued by an authorized party and approved by the Dean, he / she is officially considered “withdrawn” and the fees for the particular course is not refundable.
- The excuse must be submitted within three days from reasons for waiving.
- The Admission and Registration Department and the Student Affairs Department must proceed with the required procedure.
Eventually, study is deferred before the beginning of the semester or maximum at the end of the first two weeks from the beginning of the semester and in this case, fees are refundable. Students sponsored by the MoHE can defer their study in consistence with the instructions of the interior scholarships instructions in the ministry.
Withdrawal :
Withdrawal from the college :
- A student may withdraw from the college, but the fees cannot be refundable unless he / she withdraws within the first two studying weeks of the first or the second semesters or the first week of the summer semester.
- The withdrawn student must fill in the withdrawal form and gain the Dean’s approval.
- The student must get release from all departments before the withdrawal.
- The student must hand over the college ID card to the Students Affairs Department.
- The student must be given back his / her identification papers from his / her file , terminate his / her enrollment and keep the withdrawal in his / her file.
- Identification papers are given back to the respective student and no one can receive them on behalf of another one.
- Respective authorities must be informed about the withdrawal.
Withdrawal from a Semester :
- A student may withdraw from study in any academic semester within the first two weeks of the first or second semester or the first week of the summer semester. In this case, fees are refundable. If exceeded within the duration of the period mentioned above, fees are non- refundable.
- Withdrawal is done through a special withdrawal form and with the approval of the Dean and the Advisor.
- The registered courses are withdrawn from that semester and the student is marked as “withdrawn” in his / her transcript and the semester is considered as “Withdrawn” semester.
Withdrawal from a Course :
- A student may withdraw from one course within Add and Drop period as per the academic calendar, the course fees will be considered for the following semester and the withdrawn course will not be shown in his / her transcript.
- If a student withdraws after the Drop period mentioned in academic calendar, he / she must pay the fees and will be marked as “withdrawn” in his / her transcript.
Add and Drop :
SUC has an online registration system for add & drop of any of the registered courses. This option has a limit time for adding and dropping any subject. Please see the website for updating information.
- A student may drop or add a particular course for whatever reason (change time, registration mistakes, change an instructor).
- A student may drop and add within the period determined by the Admission and Registration Department; that is usually in the first week from the beginning of the academic semester.
- A student may drop and add through the e-registration or with a special form signed by the student and his / her advisor.
- The student study load and the CGPA are taken into consideration.